Would Shakespeare blog?
From Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? by Seth Godin:
Would Shakespeare Blog?
Does the technology used by the artist appear on the scene to match what the artist needs, or do artists do their art with the tools that are available?
Shakespeare din’t invent plays ; he used them. Salinger didn’t invent the novel; he wrote a few. The technology existed before they got there.
I don’t believe that you are born to do a certain kind of art, mainly because your genes have no idea what technology is going to be available to you. Cave painters, stone carvers, playwrights, chemists, quantum-mechanic mechanics – people o there art where they find it, not the other way round.
The art that you do when you interact with a customer, or when you create a new use of a traditional system or technology – it’s still art. Our society has has reorganized so that the answer to the question “where should I do art?” is now a long booklet, not a simple checklist of a few choices.